Minutes of the “LIGHT and GLASS” Annual Assembly, Prague of June 21st 2012

Members present: Dir. Dr. H. Koenigsmarkovam, Dr. K. Klappenbach, Ota Raiter, P. Rath, K. Kanak, O. Perrin, G. Palme, Chr. Palme A. Brabender, A. Valtaite-Gagac, W. Schwarze
Guests present: Chr. Perrin, L. Fast and S. Wegmann (students from Vienna University), U. Scholz, B. Schneider, S. Appelt, Dr. J. Mergl, V. Sosta (Umprum).
As excused: I. Thom, E. Putzgruber, P. Sindelar, J. Duchonova, H. Braunova, Chr. Clausen

List of participants: LIGHT and GLASS – Annual assembly 2012 participants

#1 Dr. Koenigsmarkova takes the chair, welcomes those attending, confirms the necessary quorum and passes the chair to Peter Rath, who will also take the minutes.
The agenda is decided by vote as published with the invitation. Language of the meeting shall be German.
The assembly accepts the minutes of the Zürich Assembly of March 26th 2011 and that they not be read.

#2 Rath reads the Presidents written annual report fort he period 2011. This mentions the extension of our website (www.lightandglass.eu), further the collaboration with the „Brabender Project“ and the support given to the Secondary Glass School of Kamenicky Senov. Also research and lectures by our members in their regions. Contact to various platforms committed to „NEW LIGHT“. Participation at the light seminar organized by the Polytechnical University Milan with K. Klappenbach speaking and P. Rath attending . Klappenbach also at the seminar in Stockholm and consultation at the Uphagenhaus Danzig, with inauguration of an English chandelier copy.

The Preview for 2012 is read: Setting up and publishing of a members list of about 50 paying members.
Setting up of our office with paid secretary within the Czech Republic, preparation of bus tour for June.
With a end of December deadline, inventories of precious original artefacts on regional basis, contact to universities fort he Applied Arts (Wien), to platforms such as „Slow Light“ and „IGA“ of USA, further
Guidelines for members giving expertise in the name of L&G, and how to invoice.
Check on our website server . P. Rath will let K. Klappenbach have all infos, so as to enable offer by new assistant . Research programme of Alante Valtaite-Gagac in Vilnius.
O. Perrin comments on how to handle new articles on our website, he suggests all members and interested persons, to receive en e-mail at time of a new publication. Sosta describes sculptural objects as developed by Lasvit Co. To fill the airspace, not essentially giving the light as example for new light culture
Klappenbach sees rising interest with the „Schlösserverwaltungen“ in Germany. Kanak and Rath repeat appeal for a multilingual „dictionary „ of idioms of the trade. (using existing catalogues)
The Societies bylaws will be translated and published in Czech, English and German.

#3 and #4 are postponed until the coming arrival of the Treasurer.

#5 The society shall continue to be organized as working groups in Regions. Missing are here England, Ireland, France, Italy, Spain, Rath intends to work on the „Habsburg realm“, important Russia and the East.
Scandinavia is covered by K. Kanak, but from here we are missing continuing publications.

#6 Under miscellaneous: Rath reports on contacts to University of Haifa. S. Appelt wishes to let her interdisciplinary project “Slow Light“ become linked to our programmes. Brabender is working on her Summer Programme for 2013 which will be closely coordinating with L & G, especially with assistance to the three secondary glass schools Zelezny Brod, Novy Bor and Kamenicky Senov.
The oncoming bus tour „Getting to know the North Bohemian Glass Region“ is described in detail, as organized by IGA , with assistance of Petra Sindelar.

#3 O. Raiter as Treasurer now brings his Financial Report for 2011: Income of KCz 48.616,38 is balanced by expenditures of KCz 11.625,26. Thus per December 31st 2011 we carry credits of KCz 36.991,12 (of which amount 713.–) Our bank account shows per December 31st 2011 KCz 64.539,89, this in spite of the fact, that not all invoices sent were paid and some other invoices did not go out as to missing addresses.
The Treasurer is asked from now on, only to send out invoices with IBAN and with BIC, as in Europe new laws for money transactions have been set down. The budget for the fiscal year 2012 builds on income of KCz 160.000.- with expenditures of KCz 150.000.- (for internet, projects postages etc.) At the end of this year we should have capital of KCz 70.000.- The Assembly accepts the Financial Report and the Budget, the Treasurer unanimously is freed of responsibility fort he past periods.

#4 O. Perrin articulates motion to free the Board for the past period, this is approved unanimously. There follows the election of a new Board, following a suggested list, as presented by the standing Board, this suggested list is approved with unanimous vote. The new Board is written up:

President: H. Koenigsmarkova, Vice President: O.Perrin, Treasurer, P. Sindelar (as of January 1st 2013), Secretary of minutes: P. Rath, Science advisor: K. Klappenbach, 1st Controler: K. Kanak, 2nd Controller: H. Braunova.

No further business, the Annual Assembly ends in good order. The President thanks all who have been involved in the preparations of this meeting and of the following bus tour, Sigrun Appelt introduces her project „Slow Light, after which the President now asks Dr. Jan Mergl for an introduction on the special exhibition in this museum: „From Neuwelt into the New World- 300 years Harrachov glass factory“. The museum invites participants to see this exhibition, L&G also for a quick dinner before departure to Harrachov.

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