Artificial light in the aristocratic palaces in the Po valley

Artificial light in the aristocratic palaces in the Po valley

Remarks on the lighting devices between the 17th and the 18th century by Laura Balboni, Paolo Corradini, Angelo Landi Politecnico di Milano, Department Architecture and Planning PhD in preservation of architectural heritage Reports, diaries of travelers who cross Italy, XVIIIth gazettes, often treat about suggestions and references regarding the topic of the artificial light. Admired […] Read the whole article »

Glass hanging chandeliers as a role model for the wooden hanging chandeliers from the Erzgebirge

Glass hanging chandeliers as a role model for the wooden hanging chandeliers from the Erzgebirge

This article is currently available in German only. Dr. Albrecht Kirsche, Dresden Glashängeleuchter als Vorbilder erzgebirgischer Hängeleuchter aus Holz Es scheint, als hätten gestaltetes Glas und Holz kaum Gemeinsamkeiten. In dem Erzgebirgsort Seiffen an der böhmisch-sächsischen Grenze ist dies jedoch anders. Der Ortsname Seiffen deutet auf den Bergbau in diesem Dorf hin, der auf das […] Read the whole article »

The light of the king – Das Licht des Königs

The light of the king - Das Licht des Königs

This article is currently available in German only. Licht ist für uns heute kein Luxus. Doch zur Zeit Friedrichs II. war künstliches Licht kostbar. Die teuren Kerzen wurden vom Silberkämmerer persönlich verwaltet und einzeln ausgegeben. Im Alltag begnügten sich selbst Könige mit kleinen Wand- und Tischleuchtern; nur zu besonderen Anlässen wurden die kostbaren, mehrstöckigen Kronleuchter […] Read the whole article »

Chandeliers as bearers of symbols of all kind

Chandeliers as bearers of symbols of all kind

This lecture was held within the official program of the La Granja, Spain Meeting of LIGHT and GLASS on September, 25th 2009. The full version is available in German – below you can find a short version in English as well. Dr. Käthe Klappenbach, Potsdam Kronleuchter als Symbolträger mit Beispielen aus den brandenburgisch-preußischen Schlössern   […] Read the whole article »

That was our meeting “Light and Glass” in La Granja, Spain September 24th – 27th 2009

That was our meeting "Light and Glass" in La Granja, Spain September 24th - 27th 2009

This report of the Meeting of LIGHT and GLASS in La Granja, Spain written by Peter Rath is available in English and in German. Some Impressions: With this important meeting, held in a most fascinating place, our European Society is at last off the ground! We flew in from all directions. We met at Madrid […] Read the whole article »