New Exhibition: Lobmeyr Wien – 200 Jahre mit böhmischem Glas / Lobmeyr Vienna – 200 Years with Bohemian Glass

New Exhibition: Lobmeyr Wien - 200 Jahre mit böhmischem Glas / Lobmeyr Vienna - 200 Years with Bohemian Glass

                                            Eine neue Ausstellung zum Lobmeyr eröffnet am 22. November in Prag A new Lobmeyr Exhibition will be opening on the 22nd of November in Prague   Please scroll down for English   Zur […] Read the whole article »

Report Annual Meeting of the Light & Glass Society in Vienna June 8th – 10th 2023

Report Annual Meeting of the Light & Glass Society in Vienna  June 8th – 10th 2023

For those members who came early to Vienna it was possible to attend the grand opening on the evening of the 6th of June of the special Exhibition in the Vienna Museum for the Applied Arts “Glanz und Glamour – 200 years Lobmeyr”. The exhibition curated by Alice Liechtenstein gives a beautiful feeling of the […] Read the whole article »

Light & Glass Yearly Meeting “200 Years Lobmeyr” 8th – 11th June 2023, Vienna

Light & Glass Yearly Meeting "200 Years Lobmeyr" 8th - 11th June 2023, Vienna

Yearly Meeting, “200 Years Lobmeyr” Full Schedule PDF: Meeting_schedule_2023 Vienna Programme PDF: Speaker Programme Eng This year we have the honour of getting to know not just one, but two time-honoured Viennese chandelier producers better. It gives us great pleasure to announce the participation of the Bakalowits Company this year, which has been in existence […] Read the whole article »