Stipendium Support Venice / Studienprogramme Unterstützung Venedig

Stipendium Support Venice / Studienprogramme Unterstützung Venedig

EUROPEAN SOCIETY „LIGHT & GLASS“ study-funds Venice 2019 Dear Members and Friends of Light & Glass, As a part of the preparations for our Yearly Meeting in Venice in September 26th – 29th of this year, it has been decided that our organization, in collaboration with the Fondazione Cini, will fund a research project which […] Read the whole article »

Online-Stellung Brandenburgischer Gläser und Kronleuchter

Online-Stellung Brandenburgischer Gläser und Kronleuchter

Seit dem 17.12.2018 sind im Themenportal “Brandenburgische Gläser” bei museum-digital ( auch Kronleuchter publiziert. Weitere Informationen siehe: Since the 17th December 2017, on the Website “Museum Digital” one can view chandeliers as well as Brandenburg Glass from the collection of the Brandenburg Schlösser. There are also glass collections from the Potsdam Museum – Forum […] Read the whole article »

Pre-Invitation Yearly Meeting, Venice 2019 / Jahrestreff Venedig 2019

Pre-Invitation Yearly Meeting, Venice 2019 / Jahrestreff Venedig 2019

To aid you in planning for 2019, we have an initial announcement regarding our next meeting: Bitte scrollen sie runter für Deutsch Pre-Invitation to the Light & Glass Yearly Meeting, Venice 2019 Light & Glass is very honoured to be able to announce that we have been invited to hold our next Yearly Meeting & […] Read the whole article »

Turin, A Treasure Trove of Chandeliers

Turin, A Treasure Trove of Chandeliers

Turin – A Treasure Trove of Chandeliers The Palazzos Reale di Torino (Royal Palace of Turin) in the city centre and the Palazzina di Caccia Stupinigi 10 km. to the south, were once seat to the powerful Dukes of Savoy and are both in possession of great riches in their collections of chandeliers and other […] Read the whole article »

Papier Maché Chandeliers in Lithuania

Papier Maché Chandeliers in Lithuania

Nineteenth-Century Papier Mâché Chandeliers in Lithuania: From History to Attribution and Reconstruction from Alantė Valtaitė-Gagač Ph.D.   In the summer of 2017, during the restoration of the historical palace of the noble Pac family on Didžioji Street in Vilnius, fragments of a papier mâché [1] chandelier that once hung in the palace were found. New […] Read the whole article »

Sasso San Gottardo Exhibition Continues / Ausstellung Verlängert

Sasso San Gottardo Exhibition Continues / Ausstellung Verlängert

Erneut durften wir im Sasso San Gottardo in unserer Sonderausstellung ‘Kristalle und Wunderkammer’ vier beeindruckende Kronleuchter aus Bergkristallen zeigen. Sie stammen aus dem 19. Jahrhundert und wurden uns grosszügigerweise von Herrn Karel Kanak (Wasa Antik, Stockholm) als Leihgabe zur Verfügung gestellt. Dies dank der Vermittlung durch die Organisation “LIGHT and GLASS – Europäische Gesellschaft und […] Read the whole article »